Welcome to Christ Church of Livingston County (CCLC) 

A family of believers in Jesus Christ. 

We invite you to explore the grace and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ with us!

Who are we?

We are a Christian church, evangelical in faith, seeking to make and to be disciples of Jesus Christ

  • The Bible is the inerrant Word of God, revealing our creation, fall, and redemption
  • Our preaching explains every word of Scripture and applies it to our lives
  • The ancient Church best summarized our faith in the Apostles’ and the Nicene Creeds


We are a Reformed church, covenantal in theology and practice

  • We hold to the three forms unity (Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism) and The Westminster Shorter Catechism and The Westminster Confession
  • We include our children in baptism and weekly communion


We are a family-affirming church, reinforcing Biblical family authority

  • We affirm Biblical roles of manhood and womanhood
  • We worship together as families
  • We encourage little ones to attend worship


We are a liturgical church, with a traditional style of worship

  • We confess our sins to God
  • We sing hymns and Psalms from a hymnbook
  • We worship God joyfully and reverently

We seek to:

  1. Equip God’s people for works of ministry
  2. Build up God’s people to obtain full maturity in Christ
  3. Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of Livingston County and around the world
  4. Pursue and maintain the unity of the Church in the Faith

We meet at:

210 Church St,
Howell, MI 48843

Sundays, 11:30 a.m.

Click here for map